David Liddiard, OAM

The gulf between Indigenous and other Australians remains wide.
Indigenous Australians have much lower employment rates than other Australians. This is due to lower participation in education, training and skill levels, poorer health, living in areas with fewer labour market opportunities, higher levels of arrest and interactions with the criminal justice system, discrimination, and lower levels of job retention.
David Liddiard, OAM
Having achieved a successful professional career and as a proud Indigenous Australian, David Liddiard recognised that for true Indigenous economic independence and prosperity equal to that of other Australians, there must be a successful Indigenous economy with vibrant and sustainable Indigenous businesses successfully competing in the corporate sector.
As a result, David has skilfully bought together business partners from across Australia and from diverse industry sectors with shared values and commitment to creating positive futures through full economic participation.
With his track record of community engagement, extensive networks of community and corporate sector relationships, the partnerships David has developed with these diverse and robust commercial businesses offer clients a powerful vehicle for Indigenous Economic Development based on commercial and sustainable principles. In turn, the economic solutions will have positive social outcomes for all Australians.
Our Goal
Our goal is for First Nations people ultimately to enjoy the same standard of living as other Australians - for them to be as healthy, as long living and equally able to participate in the social and economic life of the country. For true Indigenous economic independence and prosperity equal to that of other Australians, there must be a successful Indigenous economy, with vibrant and sustainable Indigenous businesses competing in the corporate sector.